Estelle Van de Velde

What am I up to?

This is a Now page. I’ll update this page every few months, so you know what's my current life status. On the side is my archive.

July 3, 2024

I've great news! I've been hired as a UX/UI web designer at a Belgian web agency in Belgium!!! In our day and age, I'm seeing so many junior designers struggling to get their first job in the industry, I'm really lucky to have found one. I'm also happy because it means my career switch is complete. I did indeed pivot from digital marketing to web design. There were times where I thought about going back to marketing, because I couldn't even land an interview. I'm glad I didn't.

I'm currently taking the W3C web accessibility certification. I think it's incredibly important that accessibility is at the centre of our designs. Everyone should be able to access the web, it shouldn't just be accessible to a few of us.

Thinking about leaving YouTube because I don't have time anymore, but at the same time, I still want to write and publish books. It's a bummer to know that, without social media, my books won't probably sell. So I keep my Instagram, I keep my YouTube, because I know I'll need them at some point. But I don't have time... and I'm a make or break person. It means that if I don't use something, I can't just let it sit. The temptation to delete the account is strong.

Today (yes, that's how thorough I am in telling things, lol), I've recorded a podcast episode for the Rebel Author Podcast. I met the extraordinary Sacha Black through the camera. It was an amazing experience, but also a scary one. Hopefully, it hasn't gone too bad...

Current read: The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty.

Wanna chat? Send me an email in French, English or Frenglish at:
hello [at] vdvestelle [dot] com


Books of 2024